
Must know this about Bexar property tax

    Property taxes in Bexar County, Texas are comparable to those in other Texas counties. Calculating property taxes, on the other hand, can be difficult. It’s also crucial to be aware of the dates for filing for exemptions or challenging property value increases.

    Bexar County Property Taxes: Things Investors and Homeowners Should Know

    • How is Property Tax Determined?
    • Tax Rates in Bexar County
    • When Do Property Taxes Have to Be Paid?
    • Paying Property Taxes
    • Techniques for Reducing Tax Liability

    1. How is Property Tax Determined?

    Property taxes in Texas are calculated in a similar manner throughout counties. There is no property tax in the state of Texas. Local agencies are in charge of determining the value of property in their jurisdictions. To varying degrees, this might cover both real estate and personal possessions.

    1. Tax Rates in Bexar County

    Each taxing authority in Bexar County sets its own annual budget. The tax rates of a particular taxing unit may be affected as the county grows and new demands emerge. As a result, demand for public services, community upkeep, schools, and tax rates will surely rise. Texas has had fast expansion in several areas, necessitating higher government investment.

    1. When Do Property Taxes Have to Be Paid?

    The fiscal year for property taxes begins on January 1st. The Bexar County Appraisal District appraises property throughout the county and applies any applicable exemptions or credits. To take advantage of exemptions or credits for their home or other property, taxpayers must submit the necessary documentation to the County Appraisal District.

    1. Paying Property Taxes

    Bexar property taxcan be paid in a variety of ways. You could pay at a local tax office, but paying online with a credit card or using eCheck to pay directly from a bank account is significantly easier.

    1. Techniques for Reducing Tax Liability

    In Bexar County, there are numerous options for you or your spouse to reduce your property tax liability. The first step is to apply for any exclusions or credits to which you may be entitled. Depending on the type of property and how it is used, you may be eligible for additional tax breaks in your district.

    Can I save money on my taxes if I pay in advance?

    Tax payment discounts for Bexar County, Flood Control Fund, and all 55 taxing jurisdictions that we are contractually committed to collect have been suspended by the official order of the Bexar County Commissioners Court dated September 9, 2003.

    Other payment choices, such as the 10-Month Payment Plan for individuals 65 and over, Disabled Citizens and Disabled Veterans, or the quarterly payment option, should be considered.

    What Are the Differences Between Bexar County and Other Cities in Texas and the United States?

    Bexar County, with a market value of $156 billion in taxable property, is nearly half the size of Dallas County, which has a market value of $292 billion. With a market value of $574 billion, Harris County is nearly double the size of Dallas County.


    Those who have already been assessed property tax but are experiencing difficulty making payments should be aware that payment arrangements are available. You can also seek the advice of a qualified tax attorney who may be able to assist you in reducing your overall tax bills.