Having a credit card is an essential part of modern-day life. Having a credit card makes it easier to manage your finances and access financial services wherever you are. When it comes to credit cards, there are a variety of offers and features to take into consideration. Depending on your personal needs and financial situation, you might want to explore different options. Here’s a list of the best credit cards you can apply for in the UAE.
What Is A Credit Card?
A credit card is an easy way to make purchases and pay for services. Credit cards are typically linked to a credit line, which gives a person the ability to borrow money from the card issuer. The cardholder can then repay the balance of their debt by making monthly payments.
ADCB Traveller Credit Card
If you are looking for a card that will make traveling more enjoyable, then the ADCB Traveller Credit Card is a great option. With this card, you will be given complimentary airport lounge access in over 900 lounges across the world. Additionally, you can also enjoy many other travel benefits, including 20% off flight bookings, 20% off hotels, 0% processing fees on foreign currency, and a six-night complimentary stay with annual purchases.
Emirates Islamic Cashback Plus Credit Card
If you love to get rewards for your purchases, then the Emirates Islamic Cashback Plus Credit Card is the card for you. This card gives cashback of 10% on all your purchases involving groceries, education, dining, and telecoms. The card also comes with a built-in Nol card, which makes traveling on the RTA transport network easier. Additionally, you can also get two complimentary rounds of golf with the card, as well as many other benefits.
RAKBANK World Credit Card
If you love going to the cinema, this is the card for you. With RAKBANK’s World credit card, you get 50% off movie tickets at VOX cinemas, buy one get one free at REEL cinemas, and 20% off food and beverages at REEL cinemas. As a bonus, you also get premium shopping discounts and dining offers at Talabat.
ADCB Touchpoint Infinite Credit Card
The ADCB Touchpoint Infinite Credit Card is a good option for consumers who want to earn rewards. This card offers an attractive reward plan that allows you to earn points and redeem them for things like shopping or dining vouchers. You can also enjoy Talabat discounts, Hotel.com vouchers, and buy one get one free at VOX cinemas.
When it comes to choosing the best credit card for your needs, there are a lot of factors to consider. You want a card that rewards you for your everyday spending and offers you rewards or discounts for spending on the things you love. After all, the point of getting a credit card is to make your life a little easier. With so many options, it’s worth taking some time to compare cards and find the one that best suits your lifestyle.