
Blue chip fund: What it is, what it does, and why should you invest in it?

    Mutual fund investments can be overwhelming and interesting at the same time. The possibility of earning profits and leveraging portfolio assets to achieve financial goals is something that every investor dreams of. Even though there is a certain amount of risk inherent in investing, there are various mutual funds that can help you minimise risk while enjoying the higher growth potential of well-established companies. Blue chip funds are one such option that can potentially offer both capital appreciation and stable returns.

    Take a detailed look at what exactly blue chip funds are, how they work, and why you should consider investing in them as part of your portfolio.

    What is a blue chip fund?

    Blue chip mutual funds are equity mutual funds that typically invest in the stocks of well-established companies having high market capitalisation. These companies have a sustainable market share and enjoy strong brand recognition with products/services of great value, ensuring steady sales growth and financial results, which are highly sought after by investors. Most investors also use blue chip funds as a benchmark to assess the performance of other stocks. These funds tend to show relative stability during economic uncertainty while still giving better returns when the markets rise.

    How do blue chip funds work?

    Blue chip stocks are the shares of large-cap companies with a long record of profitable financial performance. Due to their stability, strong fundamentals, and large distribution network, the cost associated with blue chip funds can be higher, but investing in them can provide you with potential long-term financial growth opportunities.

    According to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), at least 80% of large cap mutual funds corpus should be invested in the top 100 largest companies listed in the stock markets by market capitalisation. Almost all of these top 100 companies can be classified as blue chip companies.

    Why should you consider investing in blue chip funds as part of your portfolio?

    • For regular dividends and bonus shares

    Blue-chip companies are generally considered secure investments as they pay regular dividends and issue bonus shares. This makes them an attractive investment option since their reputed presence in the market contributes to the assurance of consistent returns.

    • For long term goals

    Blue chip funds have the potential to provide stable returns over the long term. Thus, with these funds, you can plan for retirement, help fund college tuition for kids or save for other important long-term financial goals. Also, the longer you remain invested in these funds, the more potential you can have to benefit from any market appreciation and boost your overall returns.

    • For a well-diversified mutual fund portfolio

    As an investor, diversification is key to managing market fluctuations and reaching financial goals in a manner that balances risk and returns. Investing in blue-chip funds gives you access to the stocks of large-cap companies across multiple industries, ensuring that your portfolio is diverse and well-protected against losses when one industry/sector experiences volatility.

    • To handle economic downturns more proficiently

    Blue chip funds are more likely to survive economic downturns since they are able to leverage their significant market share and established track record. With these features, these funds enjoy a competitive advantage over their competitors in the same sectors and can protect their shareholders better during difficult times.

    Final words

    With lower risk factors and consistent returns as its key features, a blue chip fund can be ideal for investors with a long-term horizon and who want their investments to sustain market fluctuations. The key rule is to research different types of mutual funds first, their objectives, expense ratio, and fund managers – so you can select one that fits your financial goals and meets your risk appetite.