
August 2022


What Are Key Parameters For Mutual Fund Analysis?

One of the reasons why people consider keeping aside a portion of their income for the purpose of investment is that it helps in acquiring long-term wealth. The long-term wealth is generally used for everyday expenditures after retirement. One of the investment schemes that you can consider signing up for to generate long-term wealth is a mutual fund scheme. Introduced in India in the early-1960s, mutual fund schemes have gone on to become one of the prominent investment schemes in India.

Despite their popularity, people still have a lot of misconceptions about mutual funds investment. Despite gaining popularity in recent times, investors are still unaware of how to analyse mutual fund schemes. Whether you are investing for the purpose of capital preservation or wealth creation, opting for the right type of mutual fund scheme is absolutely crucial for achieving your investment objective.

 So, another question after “what are mutual funds?” is “how to sign-up for a mutual fund scheme?” The answer to said question is to check certain parameters. Listed below are some of those parameters:

  • Check whether it is a regular plan or a direct plan:

Before you start analysing a mutual fund scheme, it is important to check whether the mutual fund offered can be purchased through a regular plan or a direct plan. A regular plan means that you are required to pay commissions to brokers or distributors. If you signed for your mutual fund scheme through a regular plan it is important to remember that you will be enjoying lower returns against your investments because you are required to pay commissions for your financial planning. Over time, as your investment cost increases, the return on the investment decreases. Direct plans are the opposite of regular plans. A mutual fund scheme that’s directly purchased from an asset management company (AMC) is referred to as a direct plan. Unlike regular plans, professionals like brokers, agents, or other intermediaries play no role in direct plans.

  • Look up the assets under management (AUM):

AUM serves as an indication of the market value of all the investments that a mutual fund holds on its clients’ behalf. While analysing a debt fund, a high AUM is usually considered a good sign. A high AUM indicates that the fund comes with a better investment inflow. Also, if there ever comes a time when you are thinking of withdrawing your money, a high AUM doesn’t put redemption pressure on the fund thanks to its larger size. Conversely, when it comes to an equity mutual fund, especially in the cases of a mid-cap or small-cap mutual fund, a smaller AUM is preferred. At the same time, it is also important to remember that you shouldn’t continuously target equity mutual funds with the lowest AUMs because they might come with higher operational costs per unit. An ideal strategy is to sign up for funds that have an average AUM. Such funds can come with economies of scale, that too without losing out on investment opportunities.

  • Look up the fund manager’s records:

Another important parameter to check before signing up for a mutual fund investment or scheme is the record of the fund manager. Make sure that the fund manager has adequate experience and a good track record. It is better to select a fund manager who has years of experience in the field. Also, please check the performance of the funds they have managed or even co-managed. It is necessary that you should entrust your mutual fund scheme to someone who both understands how the market works and can also help you to earn a higher return on your investment.

Apart from the three above, there are several other parameters of mutual funds that you should check. In case you are having doubts, please get in touch with an investment advisor who is registered with SEBI.

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Top reasons why estate planning is crucial

When you dedicate so much of your time and energy to working hard and building wealth, it’s essential that you take some time to undertake estate planning as well. While the thought of it may make you think that it is tricky, it’s important to consider legacy planning because you want to make sure everything you’ve worked so hard for goes to those you care about or is utilised in a way that you would like. Still not convinced? Well, let’s look at some of the most important reasons why estate planning is needed:

  1. Protects your beneficiaries

It’s not uncommon to have family disputes after one passes away over the assets such as property that are left behind. As tragic as it sounds, things like these can get ugly and instead of getting the space to grieve properly, family members are left to struggle with lawsuits that drag on for years and cost a lot. Instead, if you undertake estate planning, you get to decide who gets what – whether that is a house, valuable art, stocks, your business, retirement accounts, life insurance money, etc. The main essence of estate planning or legacy planning is to decide who inherits what after you are no longer around. And hence, this is an integral part of investment management as well.

  1. Safeguards your children

Estate planning isn’t only about financial logistics. If you are a young parent with children who still have years before they reach 18, then you also need to decide who will take care of them in case the worst happens to you and your partner. A part of estate planning also involves naming your children’s guardians and making sure they are well taken care of. In case you fail to do this, the court will make this decision and your children may not necessarily end up in the best care.

  1. Looks after your needs

Estate planning looks after you as well and can come in use even when you are alive. For instance, it includes important things such as a healthcare proxy and a power of attorney. So, in case you are incapacitated and cannot communicate the kind of medical treatment or decisions you’d like to be made for you, your healthcare proxy, a person you trust and have chosen, will do that on your behalf.

  1. Fulfils your philanthropic goals

For you, leaving behind your legacy may not just mean making sure your family is looked after. If you have philanthropic goals and support charities for various things such as education for children at risk, hunger and poverty, LGBTQ+ rights, women impacted by domestic abuse, etc., and want to leave behind a chunk of your money to continue supporting these, then estate planning is crucial.

All these reasons and more are why you should look into hiring an estate planning attorney or seek estate planning services. In the absence of estate planning, you leave all crucial decisions up to the court of law, whether that is who gets the wealth you’ve worked so hard to build or who gets to take care of your children.

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How to Use the SBI Price Prediction Technique

The SBI Price Prediction Technique can be used to predict the future prices of stocks. To use this technique, you first need to identify the target stock and then determine the current market value. Next, you need to find a date that corresponds to the target stock’s current market value. Finally, you will need to make a prediction for the future stock price using your knowledge of the market and your target stock’s current market value.

To use the SBI share price Prediction Technique, you will first need to identify the target stock and then determine its current market value. To do this, you will first need to identify an accurate price point for the stock at which it is worth its current market value. Once you have determined this price point, you can then use a tool like Google Finance or Yahoo Finance to determine how much of a change in that price point would represent an increase or decrease in the expected future price of the stock. You can also use this information to determine whether or not it would be possible for the stock to reach its predicted future values before they expire.

The SBI Price Prediction Technique can be used in two ways:

1) To predict how likely it is that a given company will achieve a specific goal within a set time frame;

2) To predict how much money someone may save by investing in a particular type of investment at a specific time.

How to Interpret the SBI Price Prediction.

The SBI Price Prediction is a tool that has been used by various financial institutions over the years in order to provide guidance to their clients. The purpose of this guide is to help you understand how to use the SBI Price Prediction and what factors you should consider when making your decision.

The first step in using the SBI Price Prediction is to identify the product or service that you are interested in. Once you know the product or service, you need to determine its price range. Next, you need to identify the expected future trends of this product or service. Finally, you need to identify how likely it is that this product or service will reach your target price range and achieve your expected results. In order to make proper predictions, these factors must be considered carefully in an Trading Account.

What are the Possible Resultant Actions?


The SBI Price Prediction Technique can help you make accurate predictions for the stock market. By using this method, you can get a better understanding of the market and make sound investment decisions. Tips for success include doing your homework, using an accurate price prediction technique, and interpreting the results correctly.

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Bad Credit Loans From Slick Cash Loan

Are you not getting a personal loan from the bank for your bad credit? Well, the situation can be relatable. It feels like you are stuck in a traumatic situation.

Here comes the Slick cash loan to help you in emergencies.

Slickcashloan offers loans for bad credit without much paperwork. Let’s learn more about bad credit loans from slick cash loans.

What Are Bad Credit Loans?

Generally, people with bad credit are granted loans by the Slick cash loan. Per the FICO credit score, if you have 559 or below, it’s considered a bad credit score. Bad credit ratings develop due to failure to make payments on time, maximizing credit card limits, and many more.

People with bad credit scores get restricted with quick money, or the financial platform charges a high-interest rate. Slick cash loan guarantees to provide loans to the people who need money urgently with an easy and quick process.

Personal Loans For Bad Credit

The loan process is straightforward, unlike other finance companies. In a slick cash loan, the approval process is fast. And, most importantly, without much paperwork.

 People can apply for a personal loan of $5000; within 24 hrs, money is in your account. There are various loan options in the slick cash loan for your needs. They have partnered with trusted money lenders across the USA to offer the best deal for their borrowers.

Indeed, it is the most secure financial company where your data is protected.

Fill Out The Online Application Form

The first step is to fill out the online application form. Here it’s necessary to provide all the details information about yourself. It is an online process; you don’t have to visit the office or wait in a long line like a traditional bank loan.

Review Your Details

Slick cash loan will review your application to check your eligibility for the loan. Slickcashloan offers loans for bad credit without any document verification.

Slick Cash Has Simple Eligibility Criteria:

  • The client should be a US citizen
  • The client must be above 18 years to apply for the loan.
  • A bank account of the applicant to credit the amount.
  • Genuine phone number of the borrower
  • Employment status to decide your loan amount. You need to provide a current bank statement to determine your financial status.

Fast Approval Process

After checking all details you provide, they will connect you with the best-matched lenders. You will receive a loan approval confirmation email with the details of the disbursement date and terms of payment.

You don’t have to wait weeks to approve your application; within 24 hours, money will get credited to your account.

Slick Cash Loan – Your Ultimate Friend In Your Emergency

Slick cash will support you at any lousy phase of your life. Whether you need to pay the hospital bills, pay off debts, etc. Moreover, it is a trusted financial company with a secure and fast payout.

It offers various repay options for the borrowers and maintains a record of the payments. The process is straightforward, user-friendly, and transparent.

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How to evaluate the Business Viability of your idea in 2022?

Every successful business idea starts small. Unless and until you are already an owner of a successful business and this is just another one of your business ideas that you think will be a hit, you will have to have a lot of savings and the trust of the investors with you. If you are wondering how to evaluate the business viability of your idea, then you have come to the right place. Read on to find out more about it.

Starting your own business takes a lot of time and effort. One must undergo extended periods of self-reflection just to find a realistic as well as a viable business idea.

Better yet, once the good idea has been found, how can you ensure that it will eventually blossom into a popular and successful venture? The early planning stages before finalizing the business idea and plans are essential. Do not, we repeat, don’t skimp on brainstorming. Make sure you put your ideas to the tests we are about to mention.

Who’s your target audience?

Getting the idea of your target audience should be the first and foremost step that will help you shape your business. Once you get a gist of who your target audience will be, it will become a lot easier for your product team to build the product depending on as many ideas as they have.

It gives your idea a human element that will only ensure your product is designed better. Some of the characteristics that you should include in the personas are behavior patterns, customer demographics, goals, and motivations. You will have to be as detailed as you possibly can because these personas will work as a representation of your future customers who will be using your products.

Understand the needs of your target audience

Once you identify a core set of customers you’d like to sell/market your product to, your next step must be understanding your customers’ needs. You can either call it customer needs or pain points. The underlying principle will remain the same. Your products/business/services’ success in the market will completely rely on its ability to effectively address all the underserved needs of your customers/target audience.

Check your competitors

If your business idea is unique and something people haven’t ever seen before, then there’s a chance that you won’t experience any competition. But if your business idea is something that already exists and you have a new way of making it work, then you will face competition.

Your competitors will keep their eyes on you. When you think of something new for your business and they are able to find out about it before your launch, it is possible that they steal the idea and launch it first. Analysing your competition is essential because it will help you define your business and make your business proposal stand out in front of your investors. Your business will stand out in front of your target audience if they know why and how your business will help them. It will help you make a solid customer base for your business.

These are a few ways you can evaluate your business idea’s viability this year.

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Goods & Services Tax: What Lies Ahead for India’s Ambitious Indirect Tax Reform?

Goods and services tax, which we all know as GST, has been an essential part of every individual’s life for more than 5 years now. The Government of India implemented the goods and services tax in the nation in the year 2017. If you are wondering what lies ahead for India’s indirect tax reform, then make sure you read the whole article.

The Goods and Services Tax, one of the biggest tax reforms India has ever had, successfully completed its five-year journey this year on June 30th. This nationwide tax regime, which includes 17 local levies such as service tax excise duty, VAT, and other 13 cesses, was rolled out on 1st July 2017.

The four-rate structure

Currently, in India, a four-rate GST structure is levied that imposes a comparatively low rate of tax, i.e., 5 percent implemented on essential items as well as the top rate of 28 percent implemented on cars. All the other slabs of the tax are 12% to 18%.

The total GST revenue collection in 2022 (June) was 56% YoY (year-on-year) to over Rupees 1.44 lakh crore. GST collections gross in June 2022 is the second-highest, the first being the April 2022 collection of Rupees 1.68 lakh crore.

Fiscal federalism

GST also represents some unprecedented exercises in fiscal federalism because the Centre and states work together in GST Council so that they can thrash out modalities for an absolute smooth functioning of this relatively new tax regime. Thus far, the Council has come together 47 times, and this council has taken measures that have led to a GST collection of Rupees 1 lakh crore per month.

GST Council

Over the last few years, the Government of India has been proactively issuing clarifications and circulars to clear all doubts regarding taxations under the GST regime so that they can ensure ease of doing business. Recently, the GST Council has made a decision to ease compliance for all small taxpayers.

Small taxpayers are those who supply using the e-commerce platform. These suppliers, who tend to make only intra-state supplies, do not seek GST registration in case their annual turnover is, in case of goods, less than Rs 40 lakhs, and in case of supplies, Rs 20 lakhs.

Use of technology

GST network provides all sorts of technical support to the indirect tax regime to help the tax officers in administration. They have been using AI (artificial intelligence) and machine learning to help them dish out upgraded and newer data and plug revenue leakages.

But some tax experts seek a comparatively more straightforward structure for the GST. They are looking for a structure that can ensure a seamless flow of all input tax credits throughout the supply chain without facing any losses.

These are some things that lie ahead for our country’s ambitious indirect tax reform that we call GST.

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The KuCoin Crypto Podium A Home future Global Trading 

KuCoin is here to help you master your cryptocurrency world. KuCoin is the most secure platform, with state-of-the-art encryption technology. You can access it quickly and securely at home, on the train, or in your car.

A Thumping Experience With Crypto Quiddities

Thump to know more about the special trading rules set by KuCoin, especially the KCS Price, follow us on telegram and get access to our private group for cryptocurrency traders.

The KuCoin analysts and App designers are well versed in their respective skills. The KuCoin engineers have developed the KuCoin Wallet App to give you a secure ETH/USDT conversion experience place to keep all of your digital assets. Download the KuCoin app to earn and collect rare non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Collect them all!

How Collectables Work With An Enormous Scintillation In The Crypto Market Despite An Earlier Bitcoin Collapse

Collecting NFTs is fun, but it can also be crazy overwhelming. Exchanging NFTs with other users through third-party applications requires setting up a private key and sending your funds to an unknown address, leaving you vulnerable to identity theft or funds being stolen without your knowledge. The KuCoin wallet solves this problem by allowing you to trade NFTs and manage multiple coins in the same KuCoin account.

The KuCoin wallet is free to install and easy to use. We help you manage multiple coins and take care of your exchange tokens simultaneously, so you don’t have to do it alone.

The KuCoin wallet makes it safe to store and manage your digital assets. Users can hold multiple coins, follow the market, receive dividends and track trading information in one convenient place.

Your First Doorstep For A Crude And Risk Less Trading Experience

At KuCoin, we believe that managing your ERC-721 tokens is too complicated. We bring everything under one roof; our own KCS, Terra Luna, and ETH Price wallets. Now you can manage your KCS, NEP5, and Ether all in one place.

KuCoin makes it possible to own multiple ERC-721 tokens in one place. Crypto savvies don’t think that you should have to monitor three different wallets to keep track of all your cryptocurrency investments. We created KuCoin to make your life easier by bringing everything into one place.

How A Bulk Data In Crypto Ledgers Can Be An Immensely Perplexing Issue

Getting all your crypto details together can be challenging, but with KuCoin, you’ll never have to worry about keeping tabs on your portfolio.

We have some very cool features you won’t find anywhere else in the crypto world.

Think of KuCoin as a one-stop crypto shop. You can manage your transactions and balances from a single dashboard, deposit and withdraw cryptocurrencies using just one click, instantly convert funds using our advanced platform and even launch ICOs on board with us!

An Easier Trading Experience With So Much Fulmination In The Wide Open Crypto Market

KuCoin aims to make your life easier by offering simple, innovative solutions for you to use in whichever ways suit you best.

KuCoin aims to provide industry-leading support. We fix issues in real-time and work closely with those who seek to be the best.

KuCoin is a cryptocurrency exchange platform. It has its token, KCS Coin, which is the native currency of KuCoin and powers every operation on the forum. The KuCoin holders receive dividends for holding their KuCoins, and this dividend allows users to buy on the platform at a discount.

The Luxuriant Trading Experience Of An Elite Crypto Backdrop

Smooth and Convenient for Everyone KuCoin is a cryptocurrency exchange platform. That makes trading in cryptocurrencies more accessible and more convenient. The KCS Coin token holders receive 50% of all trading fees, allowing users to trade with a discount.

KuCoin also provides 24/7 professional customer service, an essential need for loitering crypto scavengers.

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